The Complete PACLearn Series - Basic PAC Use and Programming with RSLo – PLC eUniversity
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The Complete PACLearn Series - Basic PAC Use and Programming with RSLogix5000

There are three elements in this learning series; Lectures, Lab Projects and Discussion of the results of the Lab Projects. The lectures are presented in a video disk set. The lab projects are provided in a step by step lab project manual and the discussions following each lab project are available on a video disk set. the most important of these three elements is the lab project manual, without which you will not have any hands-on experience and hands-on experience is absolutely mandatory to acquiring usable knowledge. The lecture disk set was created with RSLogix500 in mind but the concepts are common to all controllers, 500 or 5000 platforms,

Currently, some of the Lectures and low percentage of the lab project discussions are available free on our YouTube channel, however the lab discussions are almost useless without completing the projects in the manual.

Although it is more convenient to have both the Lectures and Lab Discussions on disks, you could watch the videos free on YouTube and do it in an organized way by visiting the virtual classrooms under the Classrooms tab in the main menu.

To complete the lab projects, you need software and hardware. You need RSLogix5000 and RSLinx Lite. While you can find a free copy of RSLinx Lite, you will have to purchase a license for RSLogix5000 from your local AB (Rockwell Automation) distributor and RSLinx Lite is included with that license.

We do not provide support for software that you purchase from the distributor. However...all AB distributors have incredible technical support personnel for this purpose as well as the telephone support provided by Rockwell Software for licensed users.

The best route for completing the lab projects is with a real PAC. All CompactLogix and ControlLogix processors lend themselves to the projects in the manual...But...the projects were originally written with a CompactLogix processor and a 1769-IQ6XOW4 combination digital I/O module. If you have access to an older RSLogix5000 software version, do your research online to determine which processors will support the firmware for that version of RSLogix5000. You can use the LEDs on the face of the controller to display the state of the outputs but you need six switches connected to six input terminals to exercise the logic in the projects. With the controller, you need a power supply (24vdc) and a communications cable.

You can purchase the manuals individually, #20 and #22 or together at a discount #37.

Product #36 is the collegiate version of products #20 and #22, it has condensed the same content from 527 pages into 360 pages by using smaller font and eliminating some of the more sophomoric sections of the two individual manuals.

The Learning/Development Station can be ordered with a processor that supports Ethernet/IP for an upcharge. Emails us for a quote.